Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Yawanawa
Core Information about Pau Pereira
Overall Description
This is a strong blend and can bring profound meditations. It's not always strong though, and it depends on several factors, as it's occasionally mild. It's quite a rich rapeh.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
It's been a very long time since I've had the original Pau Pereira. It brought peace. Samauma was profound, and this was a wonderful end to my Thursday afternoon of the Easter break.
A nice meditation, but with some mild mind-chatter. I feel really grounded though and positive.
Both rapés were fine, but the meditation as a whole was a little lacking. Nevertheless, I found peace and feel excellent.
A very peaceful experience, although I had a very slightly jittery mind. I feel good and today is a good day.
A very pleasant meditation, although some mind-chatter from my busy day. I haven't had either of these rapés for a while, and both are good, especially Peu.
Pau Pereira is proving to be quite nice since I've started using it again. Dieta is always amazing, bringing a profound and connected meditation.
This was just what I needed after a stressful morning. Actually, Pau Pereira was surprisingly good - it brought immeditate peace of mind and a sense of wellbeing, relieving all my thoughts. Some over-thinking during the meditation as a whole, but Dieta was also profound. What a blessing.
Perhaps I don't give Pau Pereira enough credit, as it was amazing - very deep and relaxing. The ceremony was very nice, although some mind-chatter.
Pleasant and calming, but all a little subdued, even the Trevo Cumaru. I feel good though.
It was pleasant, althouh some strange energy and a little bit subdued. Xina has a lovely mintiness to it, but was also mild on this one.
This was a lovely meditation, and I went deep. I felt love. Today has been a bit of a strange day, but it'll pass.
What a beautiful ceremony. I sent my wishes and gratitude to the Universe and just know everything is fine.
A beautiful ceremony, full of love and calm. It's a good day today!
I set the intention for an excellent ceremony and I got one. Lovely rapés in this meditation, and I was filled with love.
It was a profound and beautiful meditation, full of love. I felt complete presence, in spite of the minor interruptions. Absolutely lovely rapés!
A lovely early morning ceremony, full of love. Some discomfort, but I held the line and brought in a lot of light and expressed gratitude. Nice.
I absolutely love Trevo Cumaru, and this combination was amazing. I had a profound meditation, deeply connected my crown chakra to Mother Earth and all that is.
It was a lovely ceremony, in spite of the interruptions. My mind is clear, and Moy Cumaru brought peace and love.
This was a beautiful ceremony, full of love and light. I felt completely at peace.
Okay so the left nostril combination of Pau Pereira and Trevo Cumaru was amazing, bringing a profound peace and love. The Aya deepened the meditation and I had an absolutely lovely experience!
It was a great meditation, in spite of the sound track interruption (I really need to remember to reset them to the start before each ceremony!). I think Pau Pereira needs to be left-nostril rapé from now on, as it doesn't have the potency for the main show, only the pre-show. Apuxuri is truly a wonderful blend though!
A lovely ceremony, albeit a little bit overtoned by such a full stomach.
It was quite a peaceful meditation, but there are some negative energies in the air today!
Warrior Heart was mild at first but slowly brought calmness. Pau Pereira is a good right-nostril early morning rapé, bringing deep love and peacefulness.
A nice evening ceremony. Moy Cumaru was a little milder than usual, but I felt the love of God and hope for the future.
The Nu-nu Extra was mild but pleasant - very subtle. The Pau Pereira brought me into a connected meditation, but it was all a little strange and somehow rushed. Strange energy.
A lovely early morning ceremony, in which my body seemed to fill with light and love.
A lovely late morning ceremony. Armour bring peace and a quiet mind, and Pau Pereira deepened the sensation.
This was just what I needed. The darker blend of Putanny is definitely stronger than the previous grayer blend, and it brought an immediately profound meditation full of love and hope. I thought this would damped the effect of Pau Pereira, but it didn't, and it was truly amazing. I felt deep gratitude for the resolution of a recent stress I've had today, and I thank God and Universe for all the blessings.
A very good meditation, although I felt a little bit disturbed by this morning's quite intense ceremony. Pau Pereira is undoubtedly an amazing blend.
An interesting ceremony with two of my new rapés. Canela do Velho gave a deep sensation, leaving the Pau Pereira a little mild. Honestly, I think both these are strong right-nostril rapés, and I can't wait to further work with them. Today is a good day!